How can you burn 1000 calories a day!
Burning 1000 calories a day is something that is not that easy as it will surely take an effort from your side to burn it.
For that burning 1000 calories in a single workout wouldn’t be possible for most of the people since it can only be done who are into fitness for a long time and are really fit can perform such intense workout for a long duration.
But still, if you want to burn 1000+ calories in a day then you need to do the following,
50–55 minutes of skipping rope(Max rest or break duration you can give is 1–2 minute)
This will only burn 500 calories for you, and most people will be exhausted by this time or will think this is enough for the day.
Now you have to burn more than 500 calories now,
So you can do skipping for more than 50 minutes again to burn 500 more calories
or you can do the following,
Boxing Bag for 50 minutes
Cycling for 50min+
Swimming for 40 min
Jogging For 1hr
HIIT for 55 minutes
After which you will burn 1000 calories in a day, also if you are not single you can also engage in sex as well(to hit more than 1000 calories)
Thus to burn 1000 calories a day is not easy, it is tough.
Thanks For Reading!!!